Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What's the difference between analog and digital? Let's look at some clocks.

Some of you may be wondering why this blog is dwelling on all things analog.  What IS the difference between analog and digital?

Information can be represented in two main ways:  in digital or analog form.

The easiest way to explain the difference is to look at clocks.  Take a look at your computer or cell phone, and somewhere on the screen, you will see a clock.  My clock is in the lower right corner of the screen and it reads:


This is a digital clock.  The time is represented by discrete units or values, i.e. hours, minutes and seconds.

Now take a look at this analog clock, in which the time is represented continuously by the movement of hands and various other parts, and not in discrete units:

The pictures show a famous clock called the Orloj Astronomical Clock, that is located in Prague, Czech Republic.  The clock was installed in the tower in 1410.  The history of the clock is fascinating and you can find out more here:

If you ever get a chance to visit,  and arrive at the clock on the hour, you will see an amazing procession of figures in the two windows above, finished off by a golden rooster popping out above to crow in triumph.

THIS is an analog clock and it is way cooler than any digital clock I've ever seen.

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