Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A daily walk in the park, without earbuds

I make sure that I walk for 45 minutes every day, in a local park.  During my walk, I deliberately do not bring a cell phone or iPod.  Instead, I use my senses to explore the unbelievable wonders of the world.

Right now, the maple leaves are changing to vivid oranges, yellows and reds.  The squirrels are scampering around with cheeks bulging with nuts, and walking over power lines like tightrope artists.  On the pond, I see swans sailing by and flocks of geese in formation noisily honking their way to their next spot to poop.

Those poor souls I see walking with their earbuds, listening to tinny, digitized music, that has the soul sampled out of it, miss almost all of the fantastic things about the park. The others glued to their cell phones as they walk don't even notice the colors, graceful movement and bright blue sky.

Take those ear phones out and walk through the real world of atoms and molecules once in a while, you won't regret it.

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